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Apexville Foundational Academy Gwarinpa Abuja 12 90x80
Apexville Foundational Academy Gwarinpa Abuja 9 90x80
Apexville Foundational Academy Gwarinpa Abuja 15 90x80

Day: January 8, 2022

Cultivating Unity through Cultural Education at Apexville Foundational Academy

Diversity is not merely a buzzword; it is a cornerstone of modern education, enriching the learning experience and preparing students for the globalized world they will inherit. At Apexville Foundational Academy, a distinguished daycare, nursery, and primary school in Gwarinpa Abuja, we recognize the immense value

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How to keep the children safe online

In today's interconnected world, children have unprecedented access to the internet and digital devices, offering boundless opportunities for learning and exploration. However, along with these benefits come significant risks, making it imperative for parents and educators to prioritize online safety education. At Apexville Foundational Academy, a

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